Pellegrino Palace Hotel


Grotta san michele arcangelo Monte Sant Angelo

Monte Sant’Angelo

Destination for religious pilgrims since the 6th century, Monte sant’Angelo is a historical gem set in the beautiful shell of Gargano. According to the legend, a certain Elvio Emanuele, a wealthy man of Siponto who…

chiesa padre pio escursione san giovanni rotondo

Saint Padre Pio Pilgrimage Church

After one hour by car from Vieste it is possible to visit the shrine of Saint Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo and those of Saint Michael the Archangel in Monte Sant’Angelo. The devotion of…

necropoli paleocristiana salata - tombe antiche

Necropolis “La Salata”

Less than 10 km from Vieste, in early Christianity, a community of Christians built recesses between caves and rocky peaks overlooking the sea in order to bury their dead. It is an early Christian Necropolis…

Grotte Marine di Vieste

Sea caves gargano coast

With a short trip by boat from Vieste you will experience the charm of the sea caves gargano coast of amazing colour and shape. Like a lace created by the sea and the wind, they…

Isole tremiti barche ancorate

Tremiti Islands

Only 12 miles north from the Gargano Peninsula there are 5 little islands that make up the charming Tremiti Archipelago. These islands, that form the Marine Nature Reserve of Gargano, have been known since ancient…

scorcio foresta umbra

Foresta Umbra

In case of muggy weather you can try the refreshing coolness of the ‘Foresta Umbra’, just 5 km from Vieste. Full of rolling hills and giant trees, this forest is crossed by highlighted trails which…

Centro storico di Vieste arcata principale

Historical Center of Vieste

A few hundred meters from the hotel is situated the historic center of Vieste to make a jump in the middle ages with its streets of steps, arches and doors inlaid, its surprising small squares…

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